6th International Workshop on Experience with SQuaRE family and its Future Direction
in conjunction with the 31st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2024)
Chongqing, China(Hybrid), 3rd December 2024
The ISO/IEC 25000 (Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation: SQuaRE) family are a set of international standards for systems and software, data and IT service quality, which have been widely used for a couple of decades. In the research field, they have been also examined as a tool for performing various analyses and evaluations on systems and software quality.
This workshop aims at sharing such research outcomes and issues, and experience of practical applications of the SQuaRE family, in order to promote much more fruitful research and practice for quality systems and software products. The scope of this workshop includes:
We encourage you to submit a contribution, especially experience reports. All submissions will be peer reviewed and judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, and interest to the workshop participants.
Paper submissions must be in English and conform to the CEURART Dual Column format. A regular paper needs to be at least 10 page length, otherwise it will be categorized into a short paper. Papers are to be submitted electronically to the IWESQ EasyChair paper submission system. The workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR-WS, which is usually indexed by DBLP the world's most comprehensive open bibliographic Computer Science Bibliography.
Authors of accepted papers have to register for the workshop.
If you have any question please contact Tsuyoshi Nakajima.
20th Oct4th Nov, 2024
17th20th Nov, 2024
24th30th Nov, 2024
3rd Dec, 2024
Made by Software Engineering Lab - Shibaura Institute of Technology